How to write an eBook in 7 days

How to write an eBook in 7 days

7 days from now

You have a well-chronicled eBook stored safely in your hard drive

Can you imagine that? Probably not!

The idea may sound absolutely bogus, BUT it is actually objective. As a matter of fact, every year there are almost over 200,000 writers worldwide participating in the national novel writing month. With a target of just fifty thousand words tens of thousands of them end up booming in 30 days.

Do the math!

If they can produce 50,000 words in a time span of 30 days, you can definitely aim for a twelve thousand word eBook in just 7 days.

2007 saw the birth digital reading devices such as Amazon Kindle, and since then they have gained immense popularity and acceptance globally. If facts are to believe, the first Amazon Kindle was the hottest selling device that year. In fact, it is rumoured to be a total sell out within the first five hours of market launching!

The task of writing and selling an eBook can bring big numerous benefits. For many, writing an eBook sounds like a daunting task—but in reality it is definitely not close to daunting.

The pathway is simple: To be able to write, and write WELL is the first and most essential first step to overcome, the rest just follows!

So, whether you are looking to earn a steady stream of buck or just wanting to make it BIG in your writing career—eBook is the quickest, easy and potentially cheap way to go about it!

Are we kidding you?

Absolutely not!

Here are 7 steps to get you started to write an eBook in 7 days by just spending no more than two hours each day!

Day 1: Topic

Well, if you do. Put that aside for the time being.

To write an eBook in just one week, you need an idea that is short, absolutely useful to your target audience and specific. So, look for:

  • An idea that is easy to cover in three to four thousand words ( around 6 blog posts/articles)

  • An idea that helps you to be clear, concise and fascinating. Such as ‘Ten ways to lose weight’ is not as compelling to read as, ‘Ten ways to tone your body beautifully’

  • An idea or topic your readers are desperate to read. One way to go about it is to think of questions or problems that rise frequently in your comments section.

Stuck for an idea? Google it! The internet is full of topics and ideas that needs attention. So, hit Facebook, twitter or any other social media to ask your target audience of topics that interest them the most.

Day 2: Develop outline

You have the topic. Now, it’s time to plan.

Many people are afraid to plan. Such writers often start up writing enthusiastically only to find themselves lost in a river of words. Writing down a clear plan on paper makes it easier to follow the eBook. It’s more like filling blank spaces in a sentence—with planning your eBook will sound well structured, coherent and easily digestible.

Start with a mind map:

  • Get hold of a blank paper and write the topic in centre

  • Map out all related ideas around the topic

  • Draw lines, use colours and pointers to make it interesting

Many times you will find yourself finding new ideas as your write one. Once you have mapped down all ideas, start simplifying them in an order. For example, if your eBook is structured for numbers, such as ‘Ten ways to tone your body beautifully’ so aim for 11 to 12 points so as to chop offs the least fascinating one. Likewise, you can write down a list of chapters and dedicate ideas accordingly.

At this point, you might need to perform research and analysis in ideas that are new or less known. A good way to go about it is to combine key facts and explore them the next day.

Day 3, 4 and 5: Research and write

Yes, three days—you have just three days to write your eBook. This might sound like we are bluffing, but we are actually not! With a clear plan, outline and of course, the topic the writing phase should not sound like a daunting task.

A few tips to help you write:

  • When you find yourself stuck at some point, imaging writing an email to your client who might have this particular problem or question to be addressed. Document it in a direct, simple and straightforward manner.

  • Do you struggle to keep concentrated? Well, try switching off the Wi-Fi!

  • If your writing requires some facts and figures to be incorporated, don’t stop in between. Jot down a note to self or highlight text to get back to it at the end of the day.

Likewise, you can use the following 3 step simple structure to finish the eBook in 7 days:.

  • Explain idea.

  • Use mini case study or example

  • Use exercises for readers to try

Day 6: Final edits

Congratulations, your draft is ready!

And, you still have two days to publish your eBook.

This is when you edit your work. For many, editing is just a task to spell/grammar check. But, it is more than that. To edit, make sure you read the eBook clearly to follow if your instructions and advice is clear enough to understand. For quick editing, follow the outline as given:

  • Print and read your work, in one sitting without breaks

  • Make sure you have a stronger introduction. Re write into if necessary

  • Read through the writing slowly to make awkward changes

Day 7: Design and publish

You don’t have to produce the world’s fanciest design! Go easy.

Here are 5 ways you can use to enhance your eBook in one day.

  • Make sure to use large font size. However, don’t go over board

  • Try avoiding a pool of plain texts

  • Make sure to add page numbers

  • Make sure to start each chapter on a new page

  • Have a nice cover

That’s it!

You are officially (and proudly!) done writing your eBook in just 7 days! So, what are you waiting for? If you want to write an eBook, start today by following our simple guideline to help you establish your masterpiece in just one week!

Have you written an eBook in 7 days? Share your experiences through comments below! We would love hearing your journey!

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