Market Your eBook in 5 Steps

At Ghost eBook Writers, each member brings on board a host of expertise in a particular domain of marketing. We are constantly keeping our clients updated on the latest ways they can market their eBooks and get the word out for their target audiences.

Apart from registering on leading websites like Amazon and Apple iBooks, there’s a lot more you can do to market your eBook. In this blog post, we shed light on 5 simple steps to create awareness for your eBook:


Step#1-Start with a well designed landing page

A landing page can prove pivotal to the success of your eBook. Before you even start with the landing page, make sure that your eBook has a compelling cover. This will be the primary attraction of the landing page. Integrate buttons to your social media profiles on the sides and make sure that you leave some contact information.

Moreover, price your eBook right so that it is completely justifiable for viewers. There should also be a call to action that compels prospects to take action and purchase the book. One of the easiest ways to attract customers is by discussing an excerpt from the book so that they have a clear idea of the value your eBook can deliver to them. This brings us to the next step…

Step#2-Leave something valuable for readers

The whole idea of designing your landing page is not just about making a sale; it is about getting to know your customers. How do you get them to leave their email address? Give them something that actually delivers value.

As discussed above, an excerpt is a good idea, but you can also make short audio or video clips to discuss the eBook in detail. Once you have the email addresses, you can develop a sound lead generation strategy.

Step#3-Get paid traffic to your website

Let’s say 1 out of 10 people who visit the landing page would purchase your eBook. This means you should be highly specific with your targeted marketing.

At Ghost eBook Writers, we can help set up a Google AdWords paid campaign to divert online traffic to your website from relevant demographics. The campaign can be modified in terms of geographical regions, age, interests and plenty of other factors, so that only people who are actually looking for books in the same category, make it to your landing page.

Step#4-Keep subscribers interested with an email campaign

Emails’ conversion rates are three times better than social media. This makes it important to have a well laid out email marketing campaign. Your goal should be to stay in touch with your subscribers and engage them without overdoing it. Since you only have one product, you need to be careful that you don’t opt for direct selling all the time.

Things like snippets from the eBook, opinions on your cover page and relevant information about articles regarding your eBook are great ideas to begin with.


Step#5-Sell the eBook with Amazon, Kindle Direct Publishing and Apple iBookstore

The last step should be to create accounts across leading eBook stores like Amazing and Kindle Direct Publishing to help you sell. Even though you will need to share some part of the revenue, it is still a good idea to use these websites. They already have a large market of eBook buyers.

Use these steps to start with marketing your eBook and landing sales. At Ghost eBook Writers, our team of writers can create an eBook for you which you can publish under your name.

We also offer complete marketing campaigns to get the word out for your eBooks. Get in touch with us to learn more.