Bank on eBooks – Open an Account to a Lucrative Business

Think Different And Embrace eBooks As A Profitable Business!

Have you ever thought about eBooks as a source of income? Do you think that you can count on eBooks to reap bountiful rewards? If you still aren’t sure, then let some facts and figures convince you. A report presented by the Association of American Publishers stated that in the first quarter of 2012, the sales of eBooks generated $282.3 million, while printed books earned only $229.6 million.

Writing eBooks and presenting them on different platforms has become a money-making activity in the online world. In the presence of user-friendly digital libraries, it has become much easier to generate significant revenues via eBooks.

Using eBooks as a promotional activity is not an untested idea. Many known business enterprises have been taking the advantage of eBooks to promote their products and services. But eBooks have now achieved greater milestones and become the means to earn a significant amount of money. Today’s ambitious writers have realized the perks provided by eBooks.

A report issued by the AAP in 2012 stated that publishers had made much more profits from eBooks as compared to printed books. It also mentioned that the sales of religious eBooks have experienced excellent growth of 22.9% in 2012.

Profits You can Expect

EBooks bring nothing but great news to you. According to the figures shared by the Book Industry Study Group and the AAP, almost 457 million eBooks were sold in 2012. This is because a vast number of people have shifted to digital libraries and electronic reading devices to satiate their literary cravings.

If you want to set up your own profitable business, then you should start looking into ghostwritten eBooks to earn hefty profits. According to Pearson’s report issued in 2011, revenues generated by the eBooks of Penguin have doubled within a year. Writing and publishing eBooks on different platforms can provide a significant boost to your income. The Association of American Publishers reported that eBooks enabled the industry to generate revenues equal to $7.1 billion dollars in 2012. The most popular themes that showed major sales included fiction, non-fiction, and children’s eBooks.

Creating a rewarding business that focuses on eBooks isn’t really complicated. You simply need to get in touch with a reputable firm, like ours, that can design the perfect eBook for you so that you can make as much money as your bank account can hold!