Mistakes To Avoid When Writing An eBook Yourself

Thinking about writing an eBook? You’ve envisioned the direction. You may have even pictured the cover. And there it is – behold; your name under it.


It is natural to feel a sense of pride when you picture it. You could take the easier way out and opt for the blogging route. But underneath all of it, you think that blog posts are somewhat lightweight. On top of everything else, the money you can make off eBooks is definitely the right motivation.

However, if you are not a writer by profession, it is only natural to make mistakes when writing your eBook.

In this blog post, we shed light on some of the most common mistakes aspiring writers make when they start writing their first eBook:

Writing On Something You Don’t Know Much About

If you are looking forward to monetizing off of this – which you should – you don’t want to write about something you know little about. Moreover, if you are planning to publish on Amazon or Kindle Direct Publishing, you are more likely to go for popular categories, which isn’t the right way to decide either.

Instead, focus on writing something you truly understand and feel connected to. This way, you will save hours of time when researching, and even more when writing.

Writing About Something You Think the Audience Needs

When you personally point out something you think the audience needs, and you are positive that you can execute it flawlessly, you may not always be right. The truth is, people don’t often know what they are looking for, and your idea of what it is, may not always be right.

There is a niche for everything. If you come across something your readers want to know about that belongs to your niche, good enough. Otherwise stick to your primary field of interest.

Picking Up Your Laptop and Getting Started

Slow down there. You may be tempted to get started right away but that’s not how you should go about. Instead, develop a clear outline for the eBook-specifically for each chapter before you start.

Allowing Your Inner Editor To Take Over

If you write regularly and realize that you are making slow progress, you will probably try editing while writing. You write a few paragraphs, change your mind, delete them – and the cycle continues. This will eventually affect your productivity.

If you do change your mind about the direction of a chapter, it is a good idea to leave it as it is and proceed forward. You can edit the entire chapter once you are done.

Not Choosing Ghostwriting Services

If you are serious about writing an eBook and making money off it, it is a good idea to have ghostwriting services, like ours, write for you. You have all the rights to the book, and it is published under your name with a professionally designed cover and perfect images.

If you are considering writing the eBook yourself, stop right there. Browse around our portfolio and let the pros take care of it! Get in touch with us to learn more about our services.